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Wednesday, March 28, 2012



Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2012 9:37 AM
To: Stratton, Nicole

Nia F.
It would nto let me email the blopspot directly
Nia Forbes
Copley High School
Class of 2013

PLEASE NOTE: This message and any response to it may constitute a public record and, therefore, may be subject to disclosure upon request under Ohio law. However, if electronic communications contain student records or medical information, they shall be maintained as confidential to the fullest extent of the law.

PLEASE NOTE: This message and any response to it may constitute a public record and, therefore, may be subject to disclosure upon request under Ohio law. However, if electronic communications contain student records or medical information, they shall be maintained as confidential to the fullest extent of the law.


  1. Flying squirrels don't have feathers. Jake H

  2. i dont really know what this really represents in a peom by emily dickinson because this makes people smile because its funny and her poems make people feel pain and sadness
    -dana a
